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发布日期:2022-03-28 18:09    点击次数:177
The surprising connection between single women and gentrification本文分享微信核桃和桃个⼈学习笔记,请勿用于商业或其他用途。内容简介:The surprising connection between single women and gentrification单身女性和中产阶级化之间的惊人联系Gentrification is reshaping urban areas all around the world, displacing large segments of the population and making cities increasingly unaffordable.中产阶级化正在重塑世界各地的城市地区,导致大量人口被迫迁居,城市生活成本也越来越难以负担。We recently examined two decades of cultural transitions in Hong Kong with a focus on how the changing status of women and attitudes toward marriage have altered the real estate market.最近,我们研究了香港 20 年来的文化变迁。重点关注的是,女性地位及她们婚姻观念的转变,是如何改变房地产市场的。What we found is that single women in Hong Kong have played a surprising and little-studied role in gentrification.我们发现,虽然对此的研究很少,但是香港的单身女性在中产阶级化中扮演了出人意料的角色。From 1950 to 1990, the number of young single women across Asia increased almost fourfold, from 22 million to 82 million.从 1950 年到 1990 年,亚洲年轻单身女性的数量增加了近三倍,从 2200 万增加到 8200 万。This trend has produced a ripple effect throughout the economy, including the property market and local redevelopment, as the increased number of single women–who are also attaining higher-paid job–boosts demand for housing.这一趋势在整个经济领域产生了连锁反应,受影响的领域包括房地产市场和地方重建,因为单身女性越来越多,她们找到的工作报酬也越来越高,从而增加了对住房的需求。A telltale sign of gentrification is the shift from rentals to owner-occupied housing. The share of units with owners living in them climbed from 45.5% in 1986 to 64.2% two decades later.中产阶级化的一个明显迹象,体现在住房从租赁到自住的转变上。1986年,房主自住类住宅的占比是 45.5%,20年后(2006 年)上升到了 64.2%。The share of households led by single women, whether never-married or divorced, jumped to 47.1% in 2006 from just 25.8% two decades earlier.2006 年,户主是单身女性(包括未婚和离异)的房产所占的比例跃升至了 47.1%。20 年之前(1986 年),这个数字只有 25.8%。Overall, not only are single women emerging as a growing and critical aspect of Hong Kong’s economy, they are also driving the city’s increasingly unaffordable real estate market.总体而言,单身女性不仅仅正在成为香港经济当中日益壮大和举足轻重的一部分,同时,她们也刺激着这座城市越发高不可攀的房地产市场。This is not to say that we should blame women for gentrification. We believe their growing representation and success in the workforce in Hong Kong and elsewhere is something to be celebrated. And women at the other end of the income spectrum, particularly single mothers, bear the brunt of gentrification.这并不是说我们该把中产阶级化怪到女性头上。我们相信,不论在香港或是其他各处,女性在劳动力大军当中日益提升的代表性和接连不断的成功,是值得庆祝的。与此同时,在中产阶级化的浪潮中,处于收入阶层另一端的低收入女性(尤其单亲妈妈们)却首当其冲,受到压力。词汇详解:Ø gentrificationn.中产阶级化,下层住宅高档化,乡绅化Ø segment vi. 分割n. 段;部分vt. 分割large segments of 大量的…大量的人口走进北京。large segments of the population go to Beijing.Ø estate n. 房地产;财产;身份estate market 房地产市场 = real property marketØ little-studied研究很少的,很少研究的Ø fourfold adj. 四倍的;四重的;四垒的adv. 四倍;四重increased almost fourfold 增加了近三倍Ø ripple n. 波纹;涟漪;[物] 涟波vi. 起潺潺声vt. 在…上形成波痕a ripple effect 一连锁反应Ø telltale adj. 报警的;泄密的;搬弄是非的n. 迹象;指示器;搬弄是非者 A telltale sign of …一个…的明显迹象Ø Decade n. 十年,十年期;十two decades later 20年后Ø household adj. 家庭的;日常的;王室的n. 家庭;一家人The share of households led by…户主为/是…Ø Blame sb. for sth 因某事责备某人Ø sb. at the other end of the income spectrum 处于收入阶层另一端的人

2.只算自己方位所中的马。如庄胡牌棋牌问答,摸1.5.9.东,算中马。南胡牌。摸2.6.南 .中算中马。
