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打麻将技巧 超越泰姬陵贫民窟的百万富翁拍摄地才是印度最热门旅游景点

发布日期:2022-03-06 12:15    点击次数:172
阅读引导本文单词数:365 预计阅读时间:7分钟导读:也许你并不了解达拉维,但你一定知道《贫民窟的百万富翁》,这部横扫奥斯卡八个奖项的电影就是以达拉维贫民窟为背景拍摄的。文章来源:公众号【知米阅读】——外刊自习室免费领取218本外刊,请移步公众号【知米阅读】,回复【外刊杂志】。超越泰姬陵!《贫民窟的百万富翁》拍摄地才是印度最热门旅游景点Indian slum tour becomes country's most popular tourist attraction正文开始A tour of one of the world’s biggest slums has been voted tourists’ most popular attraction in India, according to a travel site.据一家旅游网站报道,世界上最大的贫民窟之一被评选为印度最受游客欢迎的景点。The sprawling Dharavi slum in Mumbai just became the favorite tourist experience of 2019 in India and even beat the Taj Mahal, said travel site TripAdvisor’s Travelers’ Choice Awards.旅游网站猫途鹰的旅行者之选奖项结果显示,在孟买蔓延成片的达拉维贫民窟竟然击败泰姬陵,成为2019年游客体验最佳的印度旅游地。A small group tour of the Dharavi slums —— usually by someone who grew up in them —— is the top most preference of tourists who visit the country.通常由在贫民窟长大的人带领的达拉维贫民窟小型团体游是外国游客的首选。Dharavi, which is the largest slum of Asia, won the top position on the Top 10 Experiences list in India and also made it to the '10 Travelers’ Choice Experiences 2019 in Asia' list.达拉维是亚洲最大的贫民窟,在印度十佳体验榜单上高居首位,还跻身2019年亚洲旅行者之选十佳榜单。 Slum tours around the world have become more and more popular in recent years and are the source of much discussion over their ethics.近年来打麻将技巧,贫民窟旅游在世界各地变得越来越受欢迎打麻将技巧,也引发了许多有关其伦理性的讨论。Critics claim they are exploitative and poor areas are even ‘sanitized’ by police before tourists visit, meaning those who live in these areas are forced to go along.批评人士称,贫民窟旅游利用穷人,甚至在游客到来之前贫民窟就已经被警方“清理”过了,这意味着原住民被迫搬离。Proponents however say any responsible tour is carried out by proud residents who show that their home is more than a slum and promote the enterprise and ingenuity within them.然而,支持者称,任何负责任的贫民窟旅游都应该由自豪的居民带领,向游客展示自己的家不只是一个贫民窟,宣传本地区的企业和匠心。Dharavi for instance recycles much of Mumbai’s waste plastic and paper, and is home to various craft industries —— meaning tourists can contribute to an economy.例如,达拉维贫民窟回收了孟买的很多塑料垃圾和废纸,并拥有多个手工艺产业,这意味着游客可以为经济做出贡献。While Dharavi topped the list for the experiences in India, it was followed by a 'bike tour of Old Delhi' and a 'private day tour of Taj Mahal and Agra Fort by a superfast train' on the second and third position respectively.在印度十佳体验榜单上,紧随达拉维贫民窟之后的是“旧德里自行车之旅”和“泰姬陵私人一日游和乘超高速列车去阿格拉堡”,分列第二位和第三位。On the Asia list, Dharav, which is home to more than 1 million people and featured in the film Slumdog Millionaire, bagged the 10th rank after 'full-day group Angkor Wat Tour from Siem Reap in Cambodia' and enjoying the 'Krabi Sunset Cruises at Ao Nang, Thailand'.在亚洲旅行者之选榜单上,拥有超100万人口的达拉维贫民窟名列第十,达拉维曾在电影《贫民窟的百万富翁》中出现过。排在达拉维之前的是“柬埔寨暹粒省吴哥窟全天团体旅游”和“在泰国甲米乘游船观赏奥南海滩上的日落”。In the Asia list, while the 'Ubud tour with Jungle Swing in Indonesia' bagged the top position, the 'faster than skip-the-line experience at the Vatican, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica Tour in Rome, Italy' topped the World category.(SOURCE: The Daily Telegraph)在亚洲榜单上居首的是“在印尼乌布荡丛林秋千”,在世界榜单上居首的是“梵蒂冈西斯廷教堂和意大利罗马圣彼得大教堂免排队之旅”。(来源:每日电讯报)知识讲堂1、sprawling adj. 蔓延的,庞大的The sprawling Dharavi slum in Mumbai just became the favorite tourist experience of 2019 in India and even beat the Taj Mahal, said travel site TripAdvisor’s Travelers’ Choice Awards.例句:Los Angeles, the sprawling city that grew up beside the film studios, created fortunes out of railways, property and oil.洛杉矶,这个在电影制片厂旁边成长起来的庞大城市,靠铁路、房地产和石油创造了财富。2、exploitative adj. 剥削的;利用的Critics claim they are exploitative and poor areas are even ‘sanitized’ by police before tourists visit, meaning those who live in these areas are forced to go along.例句:In essence, this kind of relationship is an exploitative relationship. 这种关系从本质上看,是一种剥削关系。3、contribute to 有助于Dharavi for instance recycles much of Mumbai’s waste plastic and paper, and is home to various craft industries - meaning tourists can contribute to an economy far away from the temples and palaces on the usual visitor trail.例句:We should contribute to the development of the country. 我们应该为国家的发展作贡献。趣味拓展达拉维贫民窟达拉维被认为是亚洲最大的贫民窟,不到一平方英里的社区里居住着近100万的人口。这里错综复杂的小巷,让人往往一个转身就迷了路。街道上到处是赤裸着身体的小孩和流浪的狗。多数房屋分为上下两层,用粗糙的木板隔开,无论是底层还是阁楼都不足5英尺高。最初,达拉维只是孟买一个安静的小渔村,从19世纪末开始陶器厂和纺织厂相继建立,大批来自印度南部的贫民涌入工作,造成这里的劳动人口迅速增长。今天居住在达拉维的打工者,至少都是从前移民的第四代。精明的商人们将达拉维70%以上的土地用作修建工厂,余下的部分便成了职工的居住地,最大限度利用本就有限的土地资源。但工业化为达拉维带来的不仅是众多厂房,还有大量廉价劳动力和实际的经济收益。这些拿着微薄工资的人们,居住在租金低于185卢比(大约4美元)的廉价房屋内,却通过辛勤的工作创造出了数量可观的经济价值。占印度对外贸易额40%的孟买之所以持续发展,很大程度上是由这些“隐形”劳动者所支撑的。今天的外刊自习就结束了,我们下期见~想要免费阅读最新的外刊资料,请关注【知米阅读】微信公众号点赞-收藏-关注,让我们一起轻松学英语欢迎在评论区,发表你的看法哦~关于你的感悟或者外刊的建议均可戳这里看看有没有你喜欢的书单: 丰富的英语分级书单,适合各种不同英语基础的人学习你在刷知乎的时候,他们已经在【知米阅读】读原著了哦~